British Columbia Tourism Region : Northern BC
Description From Owner:
Caribou HideFinlay RiverFox River
- Caribou Hide - Tommy Walker noted in his book Spatsizi that 'other Indians referred to the Sekanis as the Caribou Hide people, which accounts for the name of Caribou Hide ... the site of their first settlement.'
- Carruther's Creek named after Dr. Carruthers, an Englishman who got lost here but was found.
- Finlay River - After John Finlay of the NWC, who ascended the river (possibly as far as its junction with the Ingenika River) in 1797.
- The lower part of Finlay River, including Finlay Forks (where the Finlay and the Parsnip came together to form the Peace), has been swallowed up in Williston Lake as a result of the building of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam.
- Fox River - After William Fox, manager of the HBC trading post at Fort Graham, south of here, around the end of the nineteenth century. He was 'a well informed man, great reader, and very obliging.'
- Haworth Lake - After Paul Leland Haworth, an American Professor of History who made exploratory trips into the area in 1916 and 1919. He was the author of On the Headwaters of Peace River.
- With permission from G.P.V and Helen B. Akrigg 1997 British Columbia Place Names. UBC Press.
Address of this page: http://bc.ruralroutes.com/FortWare