Nearby: |
- T'Sou-ke 1, 0km
- Sooke Land District, 2km
- East Sooke, 2km
- Saseenos, 2km
- Sooke Potholes Park, 5km
- T'Sou-ke 2, 4km
- Otter Land District, 5km
- Sooke Mountain Park, 7km
- Lamb Island 5, 8km
- Fraser Island 6, 9km
- Leechtown, 12km
- Becher Bay 1, 9km
- Whale Island 8, 10km
- Village Island 7, 10km
- Goldstream Land District, 10km
- Long Neck Island 9, 11km
- Becher Bay 2, 10km
- Metchosin Land District, 11km
- Goldstream, 14km
- Happy Valley, 13km
- Luxton, 13km
- Goldstream Park, 15km
- Goldstream 13, 16km
- Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, 15km
- Glen Lake, 15km
- Bear Mountain, 16km
- Malahat Land District, 20km
- Twin Island 10, 14km
- Albert Head, 14km
- Shirley, 15km
- Braemar Heights, 15km
- Malahat / Finlayson Arm / Malahat Ridge, 22km
- Malahat, 21km
- Millstream, 19km
- Esquimalt Land District, 17km
- Spectacle Lake Park, 24km
- Esquimalt Lagoon Bird Sanctuary, 18km
- Highland Land District, 20km
- Esquimalt Lagoon Bird Sanctuary, 18km
- Refuge d'oiseaux d'Esquimalt-Lagoon, 18km
- Memory Island Park, 26km
- Belmont Park, 18km
- Gowlland Tod Park, 22km
- French Beach Park, 18km
- Cliffside, 27km
- Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada, 19km
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort Rodd Hill, 19km
- Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site of Canada, 19km
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Phare-de-Fisgard, 19km
- Strathcona Lodge, 28km
Nearby Lakes and Mountains: |
- Mount Maguire, 3km
- Mount Manuel Quimper, 5km
- Grass Lake, 7km
- Young Lake, 5km
- Boneyard Lake, 7km
- Poirier Lake, 5km
- Peden Lake, 8km
- Glinz Lake, 6km
- McKenzie Lake, 6km
- Sheilds Lake, 8km
- Bluff Mountain, 7km
- Bert Lake, 8km
- Kemp Lake, 6km
- Ragged Mountain, 8km
- Empress Mountain, 9km
- Crabapple Lake, 9km
- Mount Matheson, 7km
- Redflag Mountain, 7km
- Matheson Lake, 7km
- Mount Ash, 7km
- Trap Mountain, 9km
- Jack Lake, 11km
- Quarantine Lake, 9km
- Mount Braden, 10km
- Old Wolf Lake, 13km
- Mavis Lake, 13km
- Blinkhorn Lake, 9km
- Middle Peak, 11km
- Mount Helmcken, 9km
- Macdonald Lake, 14km
- Mount Blinkhorn, 10km
- Mount Jack, 13km
- Mount McDonald, 12km
- Tugwell Lake, 13km
- Goldstream Lake, 15km
- Council Lake, 16km
- Butler Lake, 14km
- Mount Wells, 12km
- Centre Mountain, 12km
- Lubbe Lake, 16km
- Mount Healey, 18km
- Butchart Lake, 18km
- Boulder Lake, 16km
- Sooke Lake, 19km
- Metchosin Mountain, 13km
- Langford Lake, 14km
- Ranger Lake, 16km
- Devereux Lake, 19km
- Horton Lake, 20km
- Stebbings Lake, 19km