Sandspit / Collision Bay / Darwin Sound / Houston Stewart Channel / Hoya Passage / Huxley Island / Ikeda Cove

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Masset, BC (Nearby: Sandspit, Skidegate, Lawnhill, Skidegate Landing, Haina)

  • Collision Bay
  • Darwin Sound
  • Houston Stewart Channel
  • Hoya Passage
  • Hoya Passage
  • Huxley Island
  • Ikeda Cove

1633 Main St
Masset, British Columbia
V0T 1M0

British Columbia Tourism Region : Northern BC

Description From Owner:
  • Collison Bay after Archdeacon William Henry Collison, the Anglican apostle to the Haidas, who began his missionary endeavours among them in 1876. Author of In the Wake of the War Canoe.
  • Houston Stewart Channel - Formerly Barrell Sound. Named in 1853 by Captain J.C. Prevost, commanding HMS Virago, in compliment to his predecessor.
  • Stewart had been a most popular captain, he and his wife being roundly cheered by the Virago's officers and crew when he went ashore after relinquishing command at Callao.
  • Hoya Passage - From the Haida name for 'raven,' but the Haidas' own name for the passage means 'channel behind.'
  • Huxley Island - Named by G.M. Dawson in 1878 after Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95), the famous biologist.
  • Ikeda Cove - After Arichika Ikeda, the Japanese who discovered copper here in 1906. Awaya, Ikeda and Co. subsequently operated a mine here.
  • With permission from G.P.V and Helen B. Akrigg 1997 British Columbia Place Names. UBC Press.

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  • Juan Perez Sound

  • Named by G.M. Dawson in 1878 in honour of Juan Perez, who in 1774 discovered the Queen Charlotte Islands. (See Estevan Point.)

  • Kunghit Island

  • From the Haida Indian name used to denote the Cape St. James area. Its exact meaning is uncertain, though one source suggests that it may mean 'to the south.' Was formerly known as Prevost Island.

  • Logan Inlet

  • Named by G.M. Dawson after Sir William Logan (1798-1875), for many years director of the Geological Survey of Canada.

  • Louise Island

  • After Princess Louise, fourth daugh ter of Queen Victoria and wife of the Marquess of Lorne, Governor-General of Canada from 1878 to 1883.

  • Louscoone Inlet

  • Name transferred from Louscoone Point. This Haida word means 'good point' or 'nice point.'

  • Luxana Bay

  • A note on Captain Duncan's 1788 chart of Luxana Bay, in the Dalrymple atlas, reads, 'this bay was named by Captain Duncan "Lux Aena" which, in the Indian language, signifies "Handsome Women."'

  • Lyell Island

  • ). Named by G.M. Dawson in 1878 after Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875), the famous geologist.

  • McLean Fraser Point

  • After Dr. C. McLean Fraser (1872-1946), at one time director of the biological research station at Departure Bay and for many years head of UBC'S Department of Zoology.

  • Moresby island

  • After Rear-Admiral (later Admiral of the Fleet) Sir Fairfax Moresby, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Station from 1850 to 1853. The island was named by Moresby's son-in-law, Commander Prevost, HMS Virago, in 1853.

  • Pacofi Bay

  • A 'manufactured' name derived from the Pacific Fish Company, which operated here in the early 1910s.

  • Mount Poole

  • After Francis Poole, who visited the Queen Charlotte Islands in the mid-1860s. Of him G.M. Dawson noted: 'In 1863-64, Skincuttle Inlet was the scene of the exploits of a certain Mr. Francis Poole, calling himself a civil and mining engineer. He subsequently published a volume called Queen Charlotte Islands, which is chiefly remarkable for the exaggerated character of the accounts it contains.'

  • Sedgwick Bay

  • Named by G.M. Dawson after the Reverend Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873), the noted English geologist.

  • Skincuttle Inlet

  • The Haida name was 'Sutlkaalhi,' meaning 'lake inlet.' The white man's Skincuttle is from the Natives' name for Slug Island, a compound of words meaning 'seagull' and 'to scoop.'

  • Talunkwan Island

  • The island's name was originally applied by the Haida Indians to only its most easterly point (Heming Head). The name means 'to slice something that is fat.'

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Nearby Lakes and Mountains:
  • Mount Poole, 9km
  • Heather Lake, 17km
  • Cumshewa Mountain, 16km
  • Stony Peak, 13km
  • Skidegate Lake, 18km
  • Double Mountain, 15km
  • Mathers Lake, 30km
  • Newcombe Peak, 28km
  • Mount Kermode, 33km
  • Queen Charlotte Mountains, 30km
  • Skowkona Mountain, 22km
  • Dass Lake, 36km
  • Mount Carl, 37km
  • Mosquito Lake, 28km
  • Mount Moresby, 31km
  • Feather Lake, 29km
  • Mount Rory, 26km
  • Nipple Mountain, 26km
  • Mount Genevieve, 27km
  • Sue Lake, 29km
  • Stanley Lake, 27km
  • Mosquito Mountain, 34km
  • Takakia Lake, 39km
  • Stripe Mountain, 28km
  • Slatechuck Mountain, 28km
  • Mount Raymond, 28km
  • Mount Etheline, 28km
  • Turner Peak, 30km
  • New Year Lake, 41km
  • Mount Chisholm, 30km
  • Moresby Lake, 42km
  • Mount Seymour, 30km
  • Redtop Mountain, 50km
  • Mount Needham, 30km
  • Little Lake, 48km
  • Snow Peak, 31km
  • Hickey Lake, 50km
  • Mayer Lake, 48km
  • Birch Mountain, 32km
  • Yakoun Lake, 32km
  • Mount Stapleton, 33km
  • Hump Mountain, 34km
  • Emerslund Lake, 49km
  • Loon Lake, 53km
  • Mount Brown, 36km
  • Mount Matlock, 37km
  • Tasu Mountain, 58km
  • Apex Mountain, 62km
  • Anna Lake, 62km
  • Mount Parrish, 38km