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British Columbia Tourism Region : Vancouver Island
- Named by Vancouver in 1792 after John Stuart, third Earl of Bute (1713-92). An early favourite of George III, Bute was his Prime Minister in 1762-3. He was a civilized man with interests ranging from literature to botany.
- Mount Doogie Dowler - After Doogie Dowler, from 1949 to 1983 the well-known and widely respected operator of the store at Heriot Bay. The mountain can be seen from the store.
- Hole in the Wall - The Mainland Comox Indian word for this small round cave in a cliff near high-tide line means 'Raven's chamberpot.'
- Homathko River - From the Mainland Comox Indian word meaning 'swift water.'
- Quatam River - From a Mainland Comox Indian word for 'stream.'
- Mount Rodney - After Admiral Lord Rodney (1719-92), the victor of the Battle of St. Vincent and of various actions against the French in the West Indies.
- Stuart Island - Named by Captain Vancouver, who also named Bute Inlet. Stuart was the family name of the Earls of Bute.
- With permission from G.P.V and Helen B. Akrigg 1997 British Columbia Place Names. UBC Press.
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