Golden (Town) / Chaba Peak / Dawson Range / Mount Dawson / Feuz Peak / Goodfellow Creek / Hospital Creek

Phone : (250) 344-2271
Your Host(s) : Municipal Administration

Golden, BC (Nearby: Edelweiss, Nicholson, Blaeberry, Forde, Donald)

  • Chaba Peak
  • Dawson Range / Mount Dawson
  • Feuz Peak
  • Golden
  • Goodfellow Creek
  • Hospital Creek

810 9th Avenue South
Golden, British Columbia
V0A 1H0

British Columbia Tourism Region : Kootenay Rockies

Description From Owner:
  • Chaba Peak - Stoney Indian word for 'beaver.'
  • Feuz Peak - This and nearby Hasler Peak, both part of Mount Dawson, were named by Professor Charles Fay and Herschel C. Parker of the Appalachian Mountain Club after the guides who accompanied them in 1899 on the first ascent of Dawson.
  • Edouard Feuz Sr. and Christian Hasler were two of the Swiss guides brought out by the CPR to encourage wealthy alpinists to make expeditions to Glacier, Yoho, and Banff National Parks. These men lived in Edelweiss, a 'Swiss village' just outside Golden.
  • Golden - Known in earlier days as The Cache or Kicking Horse Flats. Around 1883, when the CPR's end of steel was reaching west of Banff,
  • a syndicate of crooked mining promoters with very rich samples of silver ore from Montana began showing them around Calgary, saying that they were samples from their claims near Castle Mountain.
  • They succeeded in starting a rush, and a small mining town named Silver City came into existence where there had been only a railway construction camp.
  • When the men at the Kicking Horse Flats camp learned of the new city, they were determined not to be outdone and, on the suggestion of F.W. Aylmer, renamed their settlement Golden City. After a time the little village dropped the 'City.'
  • Goodfellow Creek - After the Reverend John C. Goodfellow (1890-1968), for many years the United Church minister in Princeton.
  • Keenly interested in British Columbia's history, he tried to preserve the Indian pictographs in the Princeton area using protective coatings of lacquer.
  • Hospital Creek - During construction of the CPR, there was a hospital here.
  • With permission from G.P.V and Helen B. Akrigg 1997 British Columbia Place Names. UBC Press.

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Golden (Town) / Chaba Peak / Dawson Range / Mount Dawson / Feuz Peak / Goodfellow Creek / Hospital Creek, Phone : (250) 344-2271

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  • Houdini Needles

  • So named since only a contortionist like Houdini could ascend these peaks.

  • Mount Laussedat

  • After Colonel Aimé Laussedat (1819-1907), the Frenchman who in 1849 first applied photography to surveying.

  • Mount MacDonald

  • After Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-91), a Father of Confederation and the first Prime Minister of Canada. Familiar to Canadians is Macdonald's famous quip that the country would 'rather have John A. drunk than George Brown sober.' Perhaps more worthy of recollection is another comment, which Macdonald passed on his Liberal competitor: 'The great reason why I have always been able to beat Brown is that I have been able to look a little ahead, while he could on no occasion forgo the temptation of a temporary triumph.'

  • Mount Macoun

  • After John Macoun (1831-1920), botanist and naturalist. After British Columbia joined Canada, he visited the new province in the service of the Geological Survey of Canada.

  • Mount Mummery

  • After A.F. Mummery of the Alpine Club (Great Britain), killed in 1895 while climbing Mount Nanga Parbat in the Himalayas.

  • Rogers Pass

  • Named after Major A.B. Rogers (1829-89), engineer in charge of the mountain division of the CPR from 1880 to 1885.

    Although Walter Moberly denied Rogers's title to the discovery of Rogers Pass, the credit does seem to be properly his. The facts are as follows. Although Moberly, following his discovery of Eagle Pass between Shuswap Lake and Revelstoke, did in 1866 send his assistant, Perry, up the Illecillewaet River, there is no evidence that Perry continued his explorations beyond the valley of that river. Major Rogers, looking for a pass through the Selkirks in 1881, followed the lead given by Moberly and went up the Illecillewaet to its source in the Illecillewaet Glacier. He then scaled Mount Avalanche and from its heights saw how, by utilizing the valleys of Connaught Creek and Beaver River farther east, the CPR might have a pass. In August 1882, after further exploration travelling from the east, he certified the existence of the pass.

    Major Rogers, an American with a degree in engineering from Yale, went by the ironic nickname of 'The Bishop.' He was described thus by J.H.E. Secretan, who knew him well:

    He was what we called a 'rough and ready' engineer, or rather pathfinder. A short, sharp, snappy little chap with long Dundreary whiskers. He was a master of picturesque profanity, who continually chewed tobacco and was an artist in expectoration. He wore overalls with pockets behind, and had a plug of tobacco in one pocket, and a seabiscuit in the other, which was his idea of a season's provisions for an engineer. His scientific equipment consisted of a compass and an aneroid slung around his neck. (Canada's Great Highway, pp. 186-7)

    For his services the CPR gave Rogers a bonus cheque for $5,000, which he had framed. When Van Horne, the chairman of the CPR, asked Rogers why he hadn't cashed it, Rogers told hirn that he wasn't in the game for the money.

  • Mount Shaughnessy

  • After Thomas George Shaughnessy, first Baron Shaughnessy (1853-1923). He was an American railwayman recruited in 1882 over a glass of Milwaukee beer as general purchasing agent of the CPR. Shaughnessy was president of the company from 1898 to 1918. Knighted in 1901, he became a peer in 1916. SHAUGHNESSY HEIGHTS in Vancouver is also named after him.

  • Sir Donald Range

  • Also MOUNT SIR DONALD. After Sir Donald Smith, later Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal (1820-1914). For biographical detail see Strathcona.

  • Sir Sandford Range

  • Also MOUNT SIR SANDFORD. Named after Sir Sandford Fleming, KCMG (1827-1915). In 1871 Fleming was appointed engineer-in-chief of the CPR, and under his direction the route was surveyed from Fort William westward to the Rockies and through the two alternative passes, the Yellowhead and the Kicking Horse. He was the first to advocate twenty-four-hour-day standard time for railways.

  • Mount Tupper

  • Formerly Hermit Mountain, but renamed for Sir Charles Tupper (1821-1915), who was responsible for bringing Nova Scotia into Confederation despite the opposition of Joseph Howe. Shortly after the change was made, the English traveller Douglas Sladen wrote:

    Sir Charles Tupper is one of Canada's greatest men, but his name is more suitable for a great man than a great mountain, especially since there is a very perfect effect of a hermit and his dog formed by boulders near the top of the mountain. The men in the railway camp have got over this difficulty with the doggerel: That's Sir Charles Tupper Going home to his supper.

  • Valenciennes Mountain

  • So named to commemorate the entry of Canadian troops into Valenciennes, France, 2 November 1918. Also VALENCIENNES RIVER.

  • Van Horne Range

  • This and the VAN HORNE GLACIER in Glacier National Park are named after Sir William Cornelius Van Horne (1843-1915), the American railroader who became general manager of the CPR in 1882, vice-president in 1884, president in 1888, and chairman of the board of directors in 1899. Like many other good Americans, he became an ardent Canadian citizen and garnered (among his rewards) a knighthood in 1894. Van Horne was one of those human bulldozers needed in any great construction project. His energy and determination were essential to the building of the CPR.

  • Ventago Mountain

  • Ventego is the Esperanto word for a storm, tempest, or squall.

  • Waitabit Creek

  • Early travellers descending the upper Columbia River would wait a bit, resting and trimming the loads in their canoes, before entering the rapids here.

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Nearby Lakes and Mountains:
  • Cedar Lake, 4km
  • Moberly Peak, 9km
  • Cabin Lake, 8km
  • Deserted Lake, 9km
  • Cooper Lake, 13km
  • Whitetooth, 9km
  • Mount Hughes, 10km
  • Mount McBeath, 16km
  • Redcliff Lake, 20km
  • Redburn Peak, 19km
  • Nixon Lake, 21km
  • Langford Peak, 19km
  • Willowbank Mountain, 22km
  • Spike Peak, 19km
  • Kapristo Mountain, 18km
  • Dawn Mountain, 17km
  • Spillimacheen Mountain, 26km
  • Porcupine Peak, 17km
  • Little Gem Lake, 20km
  • Mount Hunter, 18km
  • Moonraker Peak, 18km
  • Sea Lion Mountain, 26km
  • Cairn Mountain, 30km
  • Dejordy Lake, 24km
  • Mount Laussedat, 31km
  • Snowdrift Lake, 21km
  • Mount Deville, 21km
  • Wiseman Lakes, 24km
  • Mount Mather, 32km
  • Abetibie Lake, 28km
  • Loon Lake, 29km
  • Beverly Peak, 30km
  • Sea Shoal Mountain, 25km
  • Mount Horsey, 25km
  • Baird Lake, 23km
  • Mount Sheppard, 32km
  • Carbonate Mountain, 34km
  • Whiskey Lake, 31km
  • Summit Lake, 32km
  • Mount King, 22km
  • Copperstain Mountain, 23km
  • Caribou Peak, 26km
  • Mount Keays, 32km
  • David Peak, 33km
  • Silent Mountain, 31km
  • Silent Lake, 32km
  • Dauntless Mountain, 24km
  • Cony Peak, 33km
  • Three Island Lake, 34km
  • Vermont Mountain, 38km