Queen Charlotte (Village) / Englefield Bay / Exact Point / Graham Island / Cape Henry / Hibben Island / Inskip Channel

Phone : (250) 559-4765
Your Host(s) : Municipal Administration

Queen Charlotte, BC (Nearby: Haina, Skidegate Landing, Skidegate, Lawnhill, Sandspit)

  • Englefield Bay
  • Exact Point
  • Graham Island
  • Cape Henry
  • Hibben Island
  • Inskip Channel

903 A Oceanview Drive
Queen Charlotte, British Columbia
V0T 1S0

British Columbia Tourism Region : Northern BC

Description From Owner:
  • Englefield Bay - Named by Captain Vancouver in 1793 after his 'much esteemed friend' Sir Henry Charles Englefield, FRS, FSA (1752-1822).
  • Exact Point - After the American vessel Exact, here in 1851.
  • Graham Island - After Sir James Robert Graham (1792-1861). A principal member of the reform party led by Lord Grey, Graham held various cabinet posts, among them that of First Lord of the Admiralty from 1852 to 1855.
  • He was a polished speaker and an able administrator.
  • Cape Henry - Named by Vancouver, together with adjacent Englefield Bay, in honour of his friend Sir Henry Englefield, the antiquary and scientist.
  • Hibben Island - After the Victoria stationer Thomas Napier Hibben (1828-90), first agent for admiralty charts in British Columbia.
  • Inskip Channelc- After George Hastings Inskip, RN (1823-1915), master of HMS Virago during her cruises in these waters in 1853.
  • With permission from G.P.V and Helen B. Akrigg 1997 British Columbia Place Names. UBC Press.

Address of this page: http://bc.ruralroutes.com/QueenCharlotte

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Queen Charlotte (Village) / Englefield Bay / Exact Point / Graham Island / Cape Henry / Hibben Island / Inskip Channel, Phone : (250) 559-4765

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  • Kagan Bay

  • Kaagan is Haida for 'mouse' (specifically for the white-footed mouse). It is also the Haida name for nearby Slatechuck Mountain.

  • Laskeek Bay

  • Said to be an adaptation of the Tsimshian word (meaning 'on the eagle') applied to a large Indian village formerly here, known to the Haidas as Tanu.

  • Moore Channel

  • After George Moore, RN, master of HMS Thetis, who surveyed the channel in 1852 during the rush of American gold-seekers to the area.

  • Newcombe Inlet

  • After Dr. Charles F. Newcombe (1851-1924), a Victoria physician who made various trips to the Queen Charlottes to study the anthropological, botanical, geological, and ethnographical aspects of the islands. He was a very active collector of Indian artifacts, acting as an agent for various museums.

  • Pay Bay

  • This name appears on the 1852 chart made by Captain Kuper, RN. He named it after two paymasters, Luxmore and Rogers.

  • Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands)

  • In 1785 a British syndicate headed by R.C. Etches formed the King George's Sound Company (see Nootka Sound). Armed with licences from the South Sea Company and the East India Company authorizing them to trade in furs between the North Pacific coast of America and China, they despatched two ships, the King George and the Queen Charlotte, to secure furs off this coast. In the summer of 1787, Captain George Dixon, after successfully trading for sea otter off both the west and east coasts of these islands, named them after his ship.

  • Rennell Sound

  • This name first appears on the map of the coast of North West America published with George Dixon's Voyage round the World (1789). Dixon almost certainly named this sound after James Rennell (1742-1830), the illustrious geographer and friend of Sir Joseph Banks.

  • San Christoval Range

  • Named by Juan Perez in 1774 when he sighted these mountains from the sea.

  • Slatechuck Mountain

  • The name, a curious compound of the English word slate and the Chinook word chuck ('water'), comes from the stream running off the mountain where the Haidas find the argillite out of which they carve small totem poles and other artifacts. The Haida name for this mountain is Kaagan. (See Kagan Bay.)

  • Tangil Peninsula

  • Named by the Canadian Hydrographic Survey using a word taken from a Haida vocabulary compiled by G.M. Dawson. The word means 'tongue' and is descriptive of this long, narrow peninsula.

  • Tanu Island

  • From the Haida word for eelgrass (Zostera marina).

  • Tasu Sound

  • A much-shortened form of the Haida name for this inlet that can be translated as 'lake of food inlet.'

  • Weeping Willie Creek

  • 'Weeping Willie' was the nickname of Bill Martin, who hauled logs around here. He died in 1983.

  • Werner Bay

  • G.M. Dawson named this bay after Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817) of the Mining Academy, Freiburg, Germany, the first geologist to work out a systematic classification of minerals.

Visitors to this page: 828     Emails sent through this page: 1     This record last updated: February 10, 2021

Nearby Lakes and Mountains:
  • Double Mountain, 5km
  • Skowkona Mountain, 8km
  • Stony Peak, 6km
  • Nipple Mountain, 7km
  • Mount Rory, 10km
  • Mount Genevieve, 8km
  • Stanley Lake, 8km
  • Slatechuck Mountain, 9km
  • Mount Raymond, 9km
  • Mount Etheline, 10km
  • Stripe Mountain, 12km
  • Sue Lake, 15km
  • Turner Peak, 14km
  • Mount Chisholm, 13km
  • Mount Needham, 11km
  • Mount Seymour, 12km
  • Cumshewa Mountain, 15km
  • Mount Poole, 13km
  • Snow Peak, 14km
  • Feather Lake, 21km
  • Birch Mountain, 13km
  • Mosquito Lake, 21km
  • Yakoun Lake, 14km
  • Mount Stapleton, 14km
  • Skidegate Lake, 20km
  • Hump Mountain, 15km
  • Mount Moresby, 26km
  • Mosquito Mountain, 26km
  • Mount Brown, 17km
  • Newcombe Peak, 27km
  • Mount Matlock, 18km
  • Queen Charlotte Mountains, 29km
  • Mount Parrish, 19km
  • Old Baldy, 23km
  • New Year Lake, 35km
  • Takakia Lake, 36km
  • Marie Lake, 31km
  • Sheila Lake, 30km
  • Moresby Lake, 37km
  • Peter Lake, 31km
  • Paul Lake, 32km
  • Pam Lake, 32km
  • Meadow Mountain, 25km
  • Heather Lake, 28km
  • Mathers Lake, 35km
  • Mount Kermode, 37km
  • Emerslund Lake, 43km
  • Mayer Lake, 44km
  • Mount La Pérouse, 27km
  • Little Lake, 45km